

Brian McSherry is an attorney, artist, and educator. In 2016,  McSherry received his Juris Doctor and Master of Fine Arts from SUNY Buffalo School of Law. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor of Graphic Design and Multimedia. His scholarship focuses on national and international case law relating to visual design and innovative ways to use design for social change through the justice system. Due to the transdisciplinary nature of his scholarship, he has been invited to speak at both art, design, and legal conferences such as the Global Meeting on Law and Society: Rage, Reckoning, Art Teleported: The Art Show and Conference for Nomadic Artists, Design Incubation, Design History Society Annual Conference - The Cost of Design, and the Art in Law in Art Conference.

Recently, his work on art and law been exhibited by Ethan Cohen Gallery, Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition, CICA, ITS LIQUID, RISD, New York City ArtWalk, AIGA Philadelphia, Web3Gallery, and the Peru Design Biennial